MediaCenter Customer Knowledge Base

Our site aims to provide you with an easy way to use MediaCenter's services, with a database that is easily accessible and browsable at any time.

Important information - Before first use

Before we get started, make sure you read the following. If you already have a customer base that has subscribed to our newsletter, it's time to send it. To do this, we first need to edit a letter. There are certain golden rules that we should always keep in mind.

The first and perhaps most important is that our mailing should always be sent to the users who have requested it. If this is not the case, on the one hand, we are sending illegal mail - i.e. unsolicited mail - and on the other hand, if there are users who have not requested the mail and report it, our mail will be sent to the "SPAM" folder of those who have requested it and are curious about it.

The second, which is practically everything else, is to make sure that our mail meets the expectations of the spam filtering servers, i.e. that it is standard. If we don't follow these small instructions, our mail will not reach its intended audience. Always pay attention to the following:

  • Always include text in your newsletter, not just image(s)
  • Do not include only link(s) in your newsletter
  • Never include an image as source code
  • Do not include / convey the subject

   Capital letters only
   Drug names
   Sexual content
   Words referring to an outstanding offer

  • Always include the option to unsubscribe