MediaCenter Customer Knowledge Base

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How to use your address list data

We can also use this data when sending you mail. In a newsletter, the salutation can make a big difference, it allows you to address the reader in the very first sentence, and if you see your name in the salutation, you are more likely to read the letter. This can be done by inserting the information in the address list. As each letter contains different data, we can identify them by their position in the list. So the list "email"; "name"; "city"; "date of birth" in our example can be used as follows:

We can see that each row will result in a different mail, each user will receive a mail addressed to him. We have to place the users' data in separate rows. The e-mail address should always be in the first position, the other fields can be used for any information. This could be the name, phone number or any other data we consider important about the user. This information can be used later to personalise the letter to be sent, it can be inserted in the letter as [MEZO1], [MEZO2], [MEZO3]... as shown in the example above.