MediaCenter Customer Knowledge Base

Our site aims to provide you with an easy way to use MediaCenter's services, with a database that is easily accessible and browsable at any time.

What is an SSL?

An SSL (Secure Socket Layer) certificate is a protocol for establishing a secure, encrypted channel between our server and the client, i.e. the website visitor.

Why should you need it?

  • It makes communication secure
  • Encrypts credit card payment data on the network
  • Its presence significantly increases customer confidence
  • Protects users' personal data
  • Enhances ranking in search engines
  • Makes browsers "secure" by flagging them

What is an SSL certificate, what is https?

SSL witness secures user and communication by encrypting and authenticating between web servers. In most browsers, depending on the certificate, a small padlock, a green address bar, a web address starting with https indicates the existence of a valid SSL, and in 2017, the Chrome browser from version 56 onwards will warn you if you are on a non-encrypted website. And Google may also rank unauthenticated websites lower in its search results.

A website or webshop protected by an SSL certificate is secure and confidential data, passwords and credit card numbers cannot be intercepted.