MediaCenter Customer Knowledge Base

Our site aims to provide you with an easy way to use MediaCenter's services, with a database that is easily accessible and browsable at any time.

Orders overview

In our Customer portal, we provide all our subscribers with the possibility to monitor the status of all your services.

To do this, you need to click on the Customer Portal menu when you enter the Web Hosting Settings. In the interface that opens, select Your Services on the left-hand side.

You can view all your previous payments and how they were used by clicking on the Account Balance menu in the top right-hand corner of the interface.

All services are tabulated by default by expiry date. This makes it easy to see when your services expire, or to extend them at any time during the year.

Importantly, each extension will add +1 year to the turn date, so you won't lose any of your subscription time even if you decide to extend sooner.